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On Demand Professional Learning

On Demand Sessions

The State Support Team continues to provide innovative ways to provide professional learning in a variety of formats.  Please see the the descriptions below for our current On Demand Sessions.  Check back frequently to find additional sessions.

Visible Learning

This video is from the Visible Learning PD held on September 22, 2021. Materials can be found here: How do teachers know if learning is visible in their classrooms? This is a professional development that will examine how to develop students' capacity to manage classroom talk and implement Jon Saphier's principles for a safe talk to environment in the classroom. 

An Introduction to the Science of Reading

This is a recording of the webinar held on October 13, 2021. Participants engaged in developing an understanding in the fundamental elements of the Science of Reading, dispelled any myths surrounding it, and reviewed the theoretical models critical for developing the roots in the Science of Reading.

Advanced Word Study-Teaching Morphology and Syllables

Word Analysis instruction cannot stop after basic phonics is taught. This training is geared towards supporting intermediate and middle school teams support students decoding and encoding through syllable instruction. This session also explores morphemes, what it means to have morphological awareness, and how to create an interest in words that will captivate you and your students. This link will be available for 1 year from the date of the training, May 26, 2021.

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction for Intermediate & Middle School Learners, Part 1

Dr. Anita Archer provides a virtual training for teachers focused on Dynamic Vocabulary Instruction for children during their adolescent years. These sessions will focus on providing rich language experiences, explicit instruction on domain specific vocabulary, and word learning strategies.

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction for Intermediate & Middle School Learners, Part 2

Dr. Anita Archer provides a virtual training for teachers focused on Dynamic Vocabulary Instruction for children during their adolescent years. These sessions will focus on providing rich language experiences, explicit instruction on domain specific vocabulary, and word learning strategies.

Keys to Adolescent Literacy

This 90-minute training will present an overview of adolescent literacy instructional practices.  The Keys to Adolescent Literacy 

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning Webinar Series

This series is designed to offer a video ‘dip’ into learning accompanied by an activity that will offer a ‘dive’ into content for each session. State Support Team Region 12 is offering one contact hour for completion of the Activity and Reflection aligned to each session.
Learn more about these sessions by accessing our UDL On Demand Webpage

Evidence-Based Practices

The module provides a brief overview of Evidence-Based Practices and a guide to becoming empowered by evidence. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act defines evidence based as an activity, strategy, or intervention that:

  1. Demonstrates a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes.
  2. Demonstrates high-quality research finds or positive evaluation that such activity, strategy, or intervention is likely to improve student outcomes or other relevant outcomes: and
  3. Includes ongoing efforts to examine the effects of the activity 
Learn more about this session by accessing our On Demand Modules to Support Continuous Improvement

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Modules

The Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) modules were designed to help schools kick start the implementation of PBIS and how to reinforce and create a positive culture. Learn more about these modules by accessing our PBIS On Demand Webpage.

Response to Intervention (Tier 1 to Tier 2) Webinar Series

This series is designed to offer a video that allows you to ascend the pyramid of learning accompanied by an activity that allows  you to descend into content for each session. State Support Team Region 12 is offering one contact hour for completion of the Activity and Reflection aligned to each session. 
Learn more about these sessions by assessing our UDL on Demand Webpage.

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