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IDEA Compliance

Need Training on IEP/ETR or Transition?

ODE has developed a series of Universal Support Modules that provide entry-level information on ETR, IEP, and Transition.  These tools, including narrated PowerPoint slides and transcripts, are excellent resources for onboarding new special education staff or providing a refresher when needed. 

Ohio Department of Education Monitoring Process

States have a responsibility under federal law, to establish a system of general supervision that monitors school district implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. 
The Ohio Department of Education (ODE), Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) directs Ohio’s system of general supervision on behalf of both their office and the Office for Early Learning and School Readiness (OELSR), which is responsible for Part B Section 619 of the IDEA. OELSR staff work in collaboration with OEC staff on some components of general supervision where specified.  In October 2016, Ohio's General Supervision Document was updated to reflect Ohio’s current system. 

State Performance Plan (SPP)

Embedded Image for: State Performance Plan (SPP) (ssp3.PNG)
Ohio’s compliance with many of these requirements is evaluated through the State Performance Plan (SPP), which is submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The SPP is comprised of targets and improvement activities for indicators of state performance. 
Through its system of general supervision, OEC uses multiple monitoring processes to address and improve district performance on SPP indicators. The monitoring process selected for a given district is based on OEC priorities and the district’s performance across indicators. 

ODE Monitoring Processing Reviews

The Ohio Department of Education, Office of Exceptional Children, conducts three different types of Monitoring Process reviews.  All Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) participate in some level of monitoring review annually. Each review method involves a different level of intensity and resources from both OEC and LEAs.

Special Education Ratings: Every year, all LEAs receive a rating on the performance of their special education program. The Ohio Department of Education uses final data that districts submit through the Education Management Information System (EMIS) and compares them to state- and federally-approved targets for the 17 Indicators depicted above. These data result in one of four ratings — Meets Requirements, Needs Assistance, Needs Intervention or Needs Substantial Intervention. Ohio receives an annual rating from the U.S. Department of Education based on the same four categories.

Note: Each year's rating is based on data submitted through EMIS for the prior school year (e.g., 2019 Special Education Rating is based on data from the 2017-2018 school year). 

IDEA Selective Review: Purpose is to determine compliance with federal and state laws for serving students with disabilities; and to assist LEAs in resolving specific issues or concerns. 

IDEA Monitoring and Strategic Improvement Process :  Purpose is to determine compliance with federal and state laws for serving students with disabilities and to assist educational agencies in building a continuous improvement process.  

The intent of all IDEA monitoring reviews is to maximize the use of resources that will result in better academic, social and post-secondary outcomes for students with disabilities and to meet regulatory requirements. 

The Region 12 SST supports local educational entities through all aspects of the monitoring process. If an onsite review is conducted, one or more SST consultants will be assigned to participate in the process alongside the district team, helping to develop and implement any corrective actions which may be needed, and serving as a liaison between the district and ODE Offices of Exceptional Children and Early Learning/School Readiness.
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