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Equity in Education

Equity in education is everyone's responsibility. The Ohio  has created a Strategic Plan,  Each Child,  Our Future that outlines how equity is represented in all parts of Ohio's education.  According to their website, this plan was developed to  ensure each student is challenged, prepared and empowered.
The Region 12 SST has implemented a pilot program, All In, that focuses on the elements of equity in education.  The work is a partnership with other SSTs in eastern Ohio to understand the challenges and the effective practices around ensuring equity for each child in Ohio.  In the pilot's first year, two districts, Ridgewood and Steubenville City, have been participating in professional learning sessions and are provided coaching and technical assistance for examining equity and social justice in their districts.  Students were also brought together from the two districts this year to identify challenges and to work to create social justice projects for their schools to address inequities they may have discovered.

ODE Local Equity Plan Guidance

Local Equity Access Planning (LEAP) seeks to ensure that poor and minority students have equitable access to excellent educators, those teachers and leaders who are effective, experienced, and properly licensed or certified. Districts and schools complete a local equitable access plan using district and building specific data to identify areas of opportunity and growth.

Equity in Special Education: Disproportionality

According to ODE's website, in 2016 the federal Office of Special Education Programs amended the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations relating to significant disproportionality. This disproportionality generally occurs when students of one racial or ethnic group are more likely to receive special education identification, placement in a more restrictive setting, or more out of class discipline compared to all other students, thus denying them access to instruction and the support they need to succeed academically.

The IDEA requires the Department to promote equity by identifying and preventing significant disproportionality. Looking at disproportionality data helps ensure that the right services are getting to the right students in the right way.   More information can be found in the ODE Document:  Equity in the Indivduals with Disabilities Act:  Preparing Districts for New Significant Disproportionality Regulations.

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