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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

According to ODE website, Ohio's PBIS is a framework that guides school teams in the selection, integration and implementation of evidence-based practices for improving academic, social and behavior outcomes for all students. The PBIS process emphasizes four integrated elements: data for decision making, evidence based interventions and practices that support varying student needs (multi-tiered), systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these practices, and continual progress monitoring to ensure outcomes are met. 

PBIS is not a curriculum or a one-day training. PBIS is a systems change process that requires on-going commitment in order to create effective systems for teaching and addressing behavior and social-emotional skills.

House Bill 318 Supporting Alternatives for Fair Education (SAFE) Act

Ohio enacted the Supporting Alternatives for Fair Education (SAFE) Act, House Bill 318. It is one of the strongest state laws in the country addressing multi-tiered behavioral supports in the interest of reducing disciplinary referrals, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students. This bill strengthens requirements for school districts to implement PBIS, social-emotional learning supports and trauma-informed practices. Supported by new legislative mandates, the Ohio Department of Education is enthusiastic to continue building statewide capacity to implement PBIS.  Ohio Department of Education has a variety of resources to assist in Creating Caring Communities.   

ODE PBIS Video Series Course

The PBIS Video Series Course: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): It Takes the Whole Building course can be found on the Learning Management System (LMS) through ODE’s Safe Account. Instructions for navigating the LMS can be found here. The course is accessed through your educator’s OH|ID account. Participants can earn a (2) clock hour certificate to submit to their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).

For additional clarity, the course can count towards the HB 318 Requirements that districts provide professional development (PD) to administrators and teachers in buildings serving Pre-K through 3rd grade. The PBIS Videos Series course in the LMS can be used to support the district’s plans for PD as long as it is approved through the district’s LPDC. The updated LPDC document is listed on both the PBIS webpage and the Creating Caring Communities webpagePlease know that this course is not to take the place of the three-day PBIS team training for districts and teams.

HB 318 does not provide any requirements for time or content regarding PD. ODE put out guidance that recommends the PD is three hours over the course of the school year, but ultimately, it is up to the district and the LPDC to determine the requirements for the PD.

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