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Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Updates

Meeting Notice

Meeting Notice

Notice of Public Meeting: Educator Standards Board to Meet Feb. 7

The Educator Standards Board will meet at 9 a.m. on Friday, February 7 at the William Green Building, 30 West Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215.
Public participation will be welcome during the time allotted on the agenda. View the meeting agenda here.
For general questions about the meeting, contact Shawna Gibson at (614) 995-4121.

The State Board of Education is committed to providing access and inclusion and reasonable accommodation in its services, activities, programs and employment opportunities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. To request a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact Alex Goodman, ADA coordinator, at [email protected] or (855) 983-4868 (voice) no later than two business days (48 hours) before the event.

Notice of Public Meeting: State Board of Education to Meet Feb. 10

The State Board of Education of Ohio will meet for its monthly meeting at 10 a.m. on Monday, February 10, at the William Green Building, 30 West Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215.
The full schedule, voting agenda, meeting materials will be available here prior to the State Board of Education meeting. The Ohio Channel will livestream most of the Board meeting, except for committee meetings which may not be livestreamed but will have recordings available on the State Board of Education website.
Please note, individuals are not permitted to address the Board on matters that have been or will be the subject of an administrative hearing, including territory transfers or personnel actions. Individuals wishing to testify can do so at the designated time during the meeting and should send their name and written testimony to [email protected] no later than February 9 at 5 p.m.
For general questions about the meeting, contact Alex Goodman at (614) 466-9514.

The State Board of Education is committed to providing access and inclusion and reasonable accommodation in its services, activities, programs and employment opportunities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. To request a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact Alex Goodman, ADA coordinator, at [email protected] or (855) 983-4868 (voice) no later than two business days (48 hours) before the event.

Learn More About the State Board of Education

Request for Applications: Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has opened the K-12 Request for Applications to begin subaward of its $60 million Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The funding will support Ohio teachers in providing effective literacy instruction to help students maximize their reading and writing skills.

Through the leadership of Governor Mike DeWine, Ohio is implementing the ReadOhio initiative, an exciting statewide effort to improve literacy skills for all ages that includes the implementation of curriculum, intervention, and professional development aligned with the science of reading in Ohio’s schools.

Eligible local education agencies may submit applications to develop comprehensive literacy implementation sites. Selected sites will use these grant funds to strengthen the ways teachers and administrators implement literacy instruction, with a goal of improving student outcomes. This may include coaching and professional learning for teachers and administrators, activities to strengthen multi-tiered systems of supports and family engagement, and collaboration with higher education and community partners.

Subgrants through this request for applications will be awarded in three age groups, including kindergarten to grade 5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12. The application for district preschools and early childhood education programs will be available later in 2025. Additional details including the request for applications, eligibility requirements, steps to apply, and resources will be available on the Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant webpage.

Application resources, including the updated Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement, will be available later this week.

Additional questions can be directed to Questions regarding the grant application should be submitted by midnight Feb. 11.

Ohio Department of Children & Youth DCY Tuesday Times Issue 26: January 21, 2025


Issue 27: February 4, 2025

Ohio Department of Public Safety Launches Human Trafficking Dashboard

During last month's annual meeting of the Governor’s Human Trafficking Task Force, the Ohio Department of Public Safety announced the launch of a new human trafficking dashboard that combines data from several state agencies into a centralized location to increase accessibility for the public, policymakers, and researchers. 
Anyone can access the dashboard, available on the DataOhio Portal, which houses the human trafficking data previously maintained separately by the Ohio departments of Children and Youth, Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Rehabilitation and Correction, and Youth Services. Public Safety will add its data in the coming months. Each agency is a member of the Governor’s Human Trafficking Task Force. 
Other benefits of the data project include raising awareness about human trafficking, improving outreach, and allocating appropriate resources where needed. 
Users can access anonymous data about potential and confirmed survivors of human trafficking, filter information by demographics to better understand the characteristics of survivors served in state systems and view a statewide and county perspective of human trafficking. 
January was Human Trafficking Prevention Month. 

Updates by Program Area

Maternal & Infant Wellness

Programs focus on eliminating health disparities, improving birth outcomes,  and improving the health status of pregnant women, infants, and children to ensure moms and babies celebrate the child’s first birthday.

Cribs for Kids® 

Ohio is committed to lowering the infant mortality rate across all racial and ethnic groups, and one of the ways the Ohio Department of Children and Youth (DCY) is doing this is through the Safe Sleep Program. The DCY Bureau of Maternal and Early Childhood Services and Supports is partnering with Cribs for Kids® and local organizations throughout Ohio to provide Cribettes® and safe sleep education to eligible families (while supplies last). Cribettes® are certified as being compliant with Consumer Product Safety Commission standards and are part of a safe sleep kit that also includes a fitted sheet and safe sleep educational materials. The Safe Sleep program currently provides funding to 30 organizations serving 71 counties to promote safe sleep practices and distribute Cribettes and safe sleep kits within their counties. The Cribettes and safe sleep kits are provided by Cribs for Kids®, through a contract with DCY. These partnerships are ensuring a bright future for Ohio’s children. 
To receive a kit, eligible families must also receive education provided by their local program. In this session, parents and caregivers receive important education on infant safe sleep practices and how to properly use the Cribette® for their baby. 
Interested families should contact their local program for more information. Click below for a listing by county of DCY-funded Cribs for Kids® programs. 
Cribs for Kids® Programs

DCY Memos and Resources

Resource Name

Early Childhood Development

The Early Childhood Development programs provide technical assistance, education, and referrals for families and youth with evaluations regarding specific needs and disabilities.

Learn Transition Strategies During Online Class

Change can be difficult for anyone, especially for our early childhood population. Join us Thursday, February 13th, 2025, at 12:30 p.m. for We Like to Move it: Activity Transitions Strategies for Early Care and Education. You'll learn how to support those in early care and education in aiming for fewer tears when transitioning. Register here. 

Early Care & Education

Initiatives work to connect educators, families, and youth to education
services and supports.

Early Childhood Education Grant Updates

Key updates have been announced for Early Childhood Education (ECE) grantees, including important dates. The ELA Administrator/Data Manager Webinar is scheduled for February 11, during which spring assessment procedures will be reviewed. Notably, the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines will not change in February as previously expected but will instead update in October to align with other public assistance programs. The final enrollment deadline for children in the ECE grant program is March 31, 2025, with exceptions for children with IEPs, those in foster/kinship care, and families experiencing homelessness. 
Read Full Announcement Here

DCY Memos and Resources

No updates at this time

Family Support & Stabilization

Focuses on enhancing the resources and supports available to parents and families.

Ohio Commission on Fatherhood to Meet Next Thursday

The next meeting of the Ohio Commission on Fatherhood (OCF) will take place on Thursday, February 13, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Vern Riffe Building, 77 S. High St. 19th Floor, Conference Room 1948, in downtown Columbus. 
This meeting is open to the public; but you must bring your photo identification. You may attend in person or virtually by clicking here and entering the passcode 1999. 
To review past meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and presentations, visit the OCF website

DCY Memos and Resources

No updates to share at this time

Children Services, Foster, Kinship, and Adoption

Children Services, Foster, Kinship, and Adoption programs provide caregivers with support via resources for their individualized needs.

Application Now Open for The National Foster Care Youth and Alumni Policy Council

Do you know a young person (ages 18-26) with foster care experience who’s ready to make a difference? The National Foster Care Youth and Alumni Policy Council is looking for passionate young leaders to join us in creating real change in the foster care system. 
Here’s what to share with them: 
  • Who we’re looking for: Young adults (18-26) with foster care experience (out-of-home placements, kinship care, facilities, etc.). 
  • What they’ll do: Share their voice, advocate for better policies, and be part of a team making a national impact. 
  • Why it matters: Their voice is powerful—and we need their ideas to build a better future for youth in care. 
Key Dates: 
  • Apply by: March 3, 2025 (midnight). 
  • Info sessions: 
Questions? Reach out to [email protected] or visit to learn more. 

Enhance Your PCSA's Impact with CarePortal: A Free Community Resource Platform

The Department of Children and Youth (DCY) partners with CarePortal, a technology-driven platform connecting communities with families in need. Active in 34 Ohio counties, CarePortal empowers Public Children Service Agencies (PCSAs), OhioKAN Navigators, and Parent and Youth Ambassadors (PYA) to provide critical support before or after a crisis. 
By uniting faith-based organizations, businesses, and individuals, CarePortal helps families access essentials such as bedding, appliances, and clothing, as well as specialized needs like dentures, coats, car seats, strollers, utility payments, car repair, ballet slippers, alarm clocks, and landline phones, to name a few. Caseworkers submit requests by zip code, and community responders collaborate to fulfill them. 
Offered at no cost to PCSAs, CarePortal continues to expand, with 279 churches and organizations already engaged. To learn more or get involved, watch the How It Works Video or contact Melissa Palmer at

Young Adult Supports

Programs are designed to provide support for teens and young adults who either are in foster care or have aged out of foster care systems and need assistance.

A Valuable Resource for Youth and Young Adults

Finding the right resources and services—whether statewide or local—can be overwhelming. That’s where Ohio’s Youth Navigator Network (YNN) comes in. YNN connects young people with essential resources in their area and provides direct support via chat, phone, or text to answer questions and help navigate specific situations. 
This service is available to youth and young adults up to age 23 in Ohio who have had an open case with children services, are in foster care, or have aged out of care. We encourage you to share this valuable resource with those who may benefit from it! 

DCY Memos and Resources

Resource Name
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