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Step up to Quality

Step Up to Quality

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Step Up to Quality (SUTQ)  is Ohio’s 5-star quality rating and improvement system for early care and education programs. The goal of the rating system is to provide a single framework for quality that is inclusive of all program types and is measurable, understandable, and flexible.
The Region 12 State Support Team offers trainings that meet the qualifications for Ohio Approved Credit and also offers Preschool Supervisor Network Meetings to support the management of ODE programs who are required to participate in Ohio's 5-star quality rating and improvement system. 

Preschool Licensing Rules

The Preschool Licensing Rules are used by the Ohio Department of Education which is responsible for licensing preschool programs (birth-age 5 not in kindergarten) operated by public schools, eligible community schools, educational service centers, boards of developmental disabilities, and chartered nonpublic schools with multiple grades above kindergarten.  

Ohio Professional Registry

The Ohio Professional Registry is the statewide centralized learning management system for early childhood and afterschool professionals and is managed by the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA) Ohio’s web-based professional registry allows professionals to document and track their career growth and accomplishments as well as to search and register for training opportunities offered statewide.
OCCRRA also coordinates the Ohio Approval process for professional development offerings and instructors. 
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