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 Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement serves as a guide to evidence-based language and literacy teaching and learning for all learners from birth through grade 12. Acquiring language and literacy skills affects learners’ access to, and interest in, content materials and instruction at all grade levels and all aspects of their lives. Thus, Ohio does not treat language and literacy as a separate field of study or course, but layers them over all aspects of education. It is critical that every educator and educational activity promote language and literacy development.

Third Grade Reading Guarantee

Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee is a program to identify students from kindergarten through grade 3 that are behind in reading. Schools will provide help and support to make sure students are on track for reading success by the end of third grade. The department provides policy guidance, instructional tools, and resources on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. 

District, School, and Teacher Support Toolbox

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The Ohio Department of Education strives to build a solid literacy foundation for all students through the implementation of quality language and literacy practices. The purpose of this toolbox is to assist districts, schools and teachers in implementing evidence-based language and literacy instruction and has organized available tools around instruction, lesson design, and assessment. Materials contained in Ohio’s Early Literacy Toolbox are drawn from both internal and external sources and will evolve over time. Materials and resources posted are for informational use only. 

Initial List of Approved Core Curriculum And Instructional Materials in English Language Arts

Initial List of Approved Core Curriculum and Instructional Materials in English Language Arts

The initial approved list core curriculum and instructional materials in English language arts is now available on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s website. The Department’s initial list of approved core curriculum and instructional materials includes all submitted materials that met the required criteria under automatic approval and limited alignment review for prekindergarten and kindergarten-grade 5.

The Department will be reviewing additional core curriculum and instructional materials as part of the phased review process. Additional approved materials may be added to the approved list in March 2024 following the Department’s phase 2 review. Additional information, including timeline updates and supports for districts and schools in selecting materials is available on the Department’s website.

Questions regarding district requirements for high-quality instructional materials in English language arts may be sent to [email protected]

Structured Literacy Certification Process Tool

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