It's All in the Design

It's All in the Design
Event Date: 5/4/2023
Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Location: SST Region 12

Registration Details:
Have you read the UDL NOW book? Do you have a solid foundation of UDL? Are you ready to start using the UDL framework to design lessons? There is no time like 'NOW' to apply your knowledge of UDL to lesson design. Attend alone, with a colleague, or come as a group. The morning session will offer an opportunity to dive into the 4 critical elements of lesson design with your learners in mind. If you'd like to spend the afternoon creating a lesson, please plan to stay with us for an optional design lab. You can try out some of the planning templates and explore helpful resources to aid your lesson design.

The registration window for this event is currently not available.
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